Our policies are available exclusively through UK brokers
Join us on the journey
Our experts understand taxi fleets inside and out and will provide tailored cover for small family-run firms through to large businesses.
For fleets of five or more vehicles with multiple types of vehicles. Hop onboard.

Our Taxi Fleet features
Our Taxi Fleet appetite
Vehicle appetite
Risks with five or more vehicles (contact our Commercial Team for risks with up to five vehicles)
Combination of all vehicles types including electric vehicles
Client profile
Each individual risk is considered by an expert fleet underwriter excluding:
- NCD rated risks
- New ventures
- London PCO
- National Express
Situation appetite
A broad spectrum of business types and occupations considered
Small family run businesses through to large corporations
Businesses established for more than three years
Businesses with a proactive approach to vehicle and or driver risk management
Taxi Fleet documents
Document type
Policy documents
Looking for specialist Taxi Fleet insurance?
Manual underwriting
All Fleet risks are manually underwritten by an expert underwriter.
Contact our team today on 0345 602 5809 or email
Your Motor Fleet support network

Chris Wilson
Head of Motor Fleet
Nicky Harttree
Product Manager
Charlie Dickson
Senior Underwriter
Emma Greenwood
Tim Hockey
Senior Trading Underwriter
Wendy Margetson
Dan Kiddier
Edd Moore
Senior Trading Underwriter
Stuart Morris
Senior Underwriter
Steve Nethercoat
Senior Trading Underwriter
Ramon Porcel
Senior Underwriter
David Robbins
Karl Sandford
Senior Underwriter
Theja Vijayaragavan
James Dooley
Samuel Glover
Laura Jenner
Alice White
Victoria Murton
Victoria Johnson
Paul Emmett
Senior UnderwriterMarketing